We received a write-up from our good friend, Ed Gubbins at Telephony Magazine regarding our 1st CLEC deployment in West Virginia.
This time on their fantastic web site, check it out: Broadband in a Box wins first CLEC
For those readers who are link-challenged, I've created a photo of it which you can click on and read it up above^.
Thanks for Everything you all!
Thomas William
Vice President of Partner Solutions
Broadband in a Box
1302 Clear Springs Trace
Louisville Kentucky 40223
(800) 761.9149 : office
(502) 426.2067 : local
(502) 263.9879 : my mobile
(502) 515.3710 : fax
:email:::::::::::::::::::::::: tomw@bbinabox.com
:web::::::::::::::::::::::::::: www.bbinabox.com
:skype::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bbinabox
:chat::::::::::::::::: broadbandinabox@gmail.com
:icq:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 562727303
:blog::::::: http://broadbandinabox.blogspot.com
:network: http://linkedin.com/in/broadbandinabox