Keeping up with what's going on with last mile broadband topics, our short history (10 years now) and posting success stories and photos from our partners.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The amazing Luisa Handem, from RuMBA, had me back on her "Rural America Radio" show this afternoon. I invited our technology and retail partner, SkyWay USA's CSO, Don Smith to join us and we had a wonderful conversation though it went by much too fast for me.

I seriously could have discussed this topic, especially the second round of ARRA funding and the difficulties in connecting this county's exceptionally rural communities, for at least 2 more hours. I really hope that we can come back soon.

I applaud Luisa for her dedication and passion for discussing this topic on her weekly online radio show.

Here's her web site with both a download (6.7 Mb) and a stream of today's show, see link below. Its the third tab on the left down. The one with today's date.

For more info:


About Me

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I have been involved in satellite communications since 1991. This is my 8th year on this project. I have been marketing, installing and supporting satellite delivered broadband solutions since 1996 and if you can't tell, am pretty passionate about helping folks in last mile America (and beyond) receive broadband @ their homes, businesses and some day, their RV's and mobile sites such as campgrounds and their vacation spots. Please call or write if you have any questions....Thomas 800-761-9149