Thomas William
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Satellite | | |
Valnet is pleased to now offer satellite Internet access!
Completing our portfolio of broadband access solutions, satellite service offers a broadband access platform to provide services in areas where DSL or Wireless access are not available. Valnet satellite broadband is available at any location with a good view of the southern sky. Our satellite is located just west of DISH Networks' satellite, so if you can get DISH TV, you can get Valnet satellite broadband Internet access.
How does it work?
Valnet satellite Internet access is a unidirectional satellite system, which uses a regular 56K modem uplink. There are many misconceptions about satellite internet access, and one of those misconceptions is that bidirectional satellite systems are superior to unidirectional systems - in fact, quite the opposite is true! By utilizing a PSTN uplink for outbound requests (which require very little bandwidth) the time it takes for your request to reach its' destination is significantly lower - this translates into less time delay between when you click on a link, and the page is displayed in your web browser. This is called "latency" and our system is about twice as fast as a typical bidirectional satellite system in this regard. The second major advantage of our unidirectional system comes from its' capabilities to continue to provide you with basic dialup level Iinternet access in the event that you lose satellite signal, with absolutely no configuration changes on your part. The SW-20 PSTN satellite modem automatically fails over to using the built-in dialup connection in the event that severe weather blocks the satellite signal to your location. You get the best of both worlds with Valnet satellite Internet access: time-sensitive outbound requests go over the best available option (Dialup), while bandwidth sensitive downloads come over the high speed satellite link.
Satellite internet services is about downstream performance - the majority of home users use predominantly downstream access - downloading email, watching YouTube videos, downloading software updates, and other such activities.
Downstream connectivity with Valnet satellite services are available in several speed tiers: 512kbps, 768kbps, and 1500kbps. Most users find themselves most satisfied with 768kbps service.
Uplink speed on all tiers of satellite service are limited by your dialup connection. Maximum connection speed is 53kbps, but typical connections are generally between 24kbps and 28.8kbps - dependent on your phone line.
As with ALL satellite services Valnet satellite broadband access has download thresholds as defined by the Reasonable Use Policy (RUP), which have been implemented to provide fair access to all subscribers. These thresholds provide a graceful degradation of available bandwidth based on actual usage and do NOT interrupt your service at any point. Should your usage exeed that in the RUP, performance is limited based on actual usage, to a minimum level outlined in the table below.
Each service tier has its' own threshold assigned that limits the amount of data that may be downloaded during a normal day. Special network management software tracks the daily utilization of each subscriber. We maintain your download threshold using a 30 day rolling average so that one day of large usage usually has no immediate affect on service. The RUP prevents the network from being overloaded by a small number of bandwidth-intensive subscribers.
The download threshold still allows subscribers using large amounts of bandwidth to complete the download of their data. However, "power-users" will experience download speed reductions until such time that their usage conforms to average usage patterns as defined by the limits of the RUP. For subscribers wishing to avoid reduced download speeds, we suggest taking steps to ensure that your heaviest traffic takes advantage of the "Midnight Madness" policy: From 12am-6am daily, we suspend counting subscriber data against the RUP counters. Hence, large files can be downloaded during this time with no adverse effects or worry of reduced download speeds.
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Monthly charges vary based on the service level purchased. All service levels require a $300 satellite equipment package. The satellite equipment package includes: Satellite dish, Satellite dish mounting arm, SW-20 satellite modem, RG58 coax, outdoor RG58 grounding block, and Ethernet cable.
512kbps | $49.95 |
768kbps | $69.95 |
1500kbps | $79.95 |
Equipment | $300.00 |
As with our Wireless internet service, installation is free with equipment purchase, and we also offer our zero-APR lease-purchase allowing you the convenience of paying for your equipment package at $25 per month for the first twelve months of service.
Most importantly, as with all of Valnets' great services, all taxes and fees are included, and NO CONTRACT is require.
What else is included?
Valnet satellite Internet access accounts enjoy all of the same benefits as other Valnet access accounts, including:
- 10 E-Mail Accounts
- FREE E-Mail Virus & Spam blocking
- FREE Technical support
- 100MB Personal web space
- Voice over IP (VoIP)
- IP Television (IPTV)
- Delay sensitive online gaming (i.e. Unreal Tournament, Quake, World of Warcraft)