Keeping up with what's going on with last mile broadband topics, our short history (10 years now) and posting success stories and photos from our partners.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

BoxBlast Vers. 1.5 October 22, 2008

Broadband in a Box
BoxBlast Vers. 1.5 October 22, 2008
OASys Update + AMC-4 transfer Update + US/CA IP Update

Ladies & Gentlemen, Broadband in a Box partners,

1. You will need to use the following URL to access the new version of OASys™ (Online Activation System) interface to activate new subscribers:

For those using our API, you will need to use this new IP address as well. Please let us know if you have any questions.

We have setup a test account if anyone still on Demo would like to see the ease of activating and deactivating modems through OASys™.

2. AS of 10/15/08 we ceased AMC-4 activations. Your subscribers will have to be transferred to AMC-15 by the end of this month.

Is your demo system still pointed to AMC-4? Call today to transfer to our new dedicated transponder(s) on AMC-15, it will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

3. The US/Canadian IP address issue has been resolved this week. The solution was devised and a proof-of-concept tested; new hardware was installed last week and tested last weekend.

We appreciate your understanding as we make this the most affordable, reliable and stable last mile solution in the country folks.

4. DEMO PARTNERS: If you are still on our demo program: Let's increase your bottom line today!


After one 60-minute training class, your Tier One Technical Support staff will be able to Telnet into the SW-20 and:

  • Help your subscribers fine tune their AMC-15 signal
  • Diagnose DVB-S2 (MP4) account configuration issues
  • Diagnose dial-up or ISDN account configuration issues
  • Keep your subscribers from making unnecessary changes to the settings
Schedule a training class today! E-mail: or call (800) 761-9149

Get the Facts:

- People in rural areas have a harder time getting broadband access at competitive and reasonable prices.

- Large parts of rural America are losing economic development and civic participation because of inadequate access to broadband.
-Many local telephone companies do not see a viable solution to keeping those last mile subscribers.

- The solution offered by the large satellite companies takes the subscriber revenue out of your pockets. How much of that revenue once belonged to you?
- There is No Chance of upgrading a subscriber to DSL or Broadband when they belong to someone else.

- Stop losing subscribers while you build your infrastructure.
- Invest for your Future. Profit TODAY!

- Broadband in a Box offers a solution to telephone companies and Internet providers who cannot offer high speed service to all their subscribers.

- If retaining your subscribers or rebuilding your customer base is important to you, contact us.



"The Bronze Plan differentiates us from the rest of the industry and gets our phones ringing. It is an affordable plan for acquiring Broadband in a Box subscribers which are worth over 350% more to our company's value than a dial-up subscriber."

-Chip Haywood VP Marketing SkyWay USA

STOP losing your Dial-up subscribers and revenues to other companies and start growing your last mile business TODAY!

If you aren't offering your own White Label last mile Broadband in a Box solution to your rural subscribers, here is your opportunity TODAY!

(800) 761-9149
DVB S2 (MP4) w/ PSTN Return technology adds new dimensions and offers over 30% more bandwidth for your subscriber's total Internet experience than your last mile competitor's systems. For more information on DVB-S2 technology CLICK HERE
About Us

Broadband in a Box Our open standard DVB-S2 (MP4) technology, wholesale pricing and highly successful business model are engineered to give Telcos, ISPs and WISPs an opportunity to compete with a white label, affordable, stable and fast last mile broadband solution and multimedia content for their subscribers.

skyway logo
Partner of the Month
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Vinyl Adhesive - $3+ per box (call for details)
Dish Hoodie - reduces ice and snow - $14.95 per box
Screen printing - minimum order of 1,200 boxes (call for details)

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About Me

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I have been involved in satellite communications since 1991. This is my 8th year on this project. I have been marketing, installing and supporting satellite delivered broadband solutions since 1996 and if you can't tell, am pretty passionate about helping folks in last mile America (and beyond) receive broadband @ their homes, businesses and some day, their RV's and mobile sites such as campgrounds and their vacation spots. Please call or write if you have any questions....Thomas 800-761-9149