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Friday, January 25, 2008

Dial-Up Internet Isn't Going Away--For Now

Here's a little update on the state of the diaup industry from our friends at, enjoy!

Thomas William

VP Partner Solutions
Broadband in a Box
1302 Clear Springs Trace
Louisville Kentucky 40223
Direct: (502) 426.2067
Toll Free: (800) 761.9149
Fax: (502) 515.3710

# # # #

Virtually every Internet service provider uses dial-up networking to connect individuals to the Internet. Most recognizable are the larger, national information services and ISPs. Companies such as America Online, EarthLink, AT&T WorldNet, and MSN have become household names in the past ten years, and offer nearly universal service in the United States (and often provide international access as well). Each of the big guns offers its own brand of interface, built on dial-up networking, with varying levels of customization and proprietary features.

But there are often a few gotchas if you use an information service's customized interface: Some limit the user's access to Internet resources that are not part of the service's offerings. America Online, for instance, boasts the greatest number of subscribers among ISPs and information services. AOL offers those subscribers a wide range of clubs, user groups, and file libraries. There's so much to do that many AOL subscribers know only how to use those features and services exclusively within AOL's borders, rendering them unable to "leave the nest," so to speak.

On the other hand, more and more subscribers would prefer to use such subscriptions only to connect to the Internet. You can, for instance, simply use AOL as an ISP, but few users do that.

Small ISPs Provide Big Service

Smaller, local ISPs frequently offer more competitive rates, less restrictive interfaces, and a different selection (and usually a higher standard) of service options. "Local," though, doesn't necessarily mean their use is geographically limited. Often they use the same "head-end" network, such as the GRIC Alliance, as the largest providers do, and this can give local ISPs nationwide (or even worldwide) access numbers. EarthLink and MSN, for example, use the same dialing network; so can the little ISPs with big aspirations.

There are free Internet service providers, too, which offer basic connections through their user interface. The trend has been for the free ISPs to serve up a lot of ads in that interface, and little or no tech support if something goes wrong. More recently, these services have begun charging fees for services.

Rosy Future for Dial-Up Networking

Dial-up networking is a mature technology; over the past few years, incremental technology improvements have improved performance, but not by a significant amount. The last major improvement in dial-up was the release of the V.90 standard, which allowed modems that used either of two previously incompatible standards to connect to each other. As a result, most modems are able to connect at or near their rated maximum of 56 kbps.

(The 56-kbps modem specification actually translates to a real-world cap of about 52 kbps, and a realistic maximum throughput averaging about 40 kbps. The quality of the copper phone wire and the phone jack being used, the distance from the user to the phone company's central office, and the Internet's and individual Web sites' level of traffic all factor into the apparent performance.)

A new standard, tentatively named V.92, promises to improve upstream rates by using pulse code modulation, a more efficient method of grabbing and packaging data for transmission. This standard also adds convenience features. With V.92, users who subscribe to a call-waiting service from their phone company will be able to initiate or take a voice call without losing an established data connection to the Internet--long the bane of analog modem users. Another V.92 feature, called QuickConnect, remembers handshake information between your modem and dial-up service, cutting the connection time almost in half.

With new compression technologies on the horizon that promise to improve performance by using a smaller share of the wire to transfer given data, and V.92's convenience features, it looks like the demise of dial-up networking, at least for now, has moved further out on the horizon.

Nathan Garcia is a freelance technology writer based in the San Francisco area and the host of On Computers, a radio call-in show that helps listeners fix computer problems.


Dial-Up Networking 101

Millions of us have used a dial-up account to get online right? So do you know how it works? Do you really? Here is a very nicely written primer on how it all takes place. by our friends at:

Thomas William

VP Partner Solutions
Broadband in a Box
1302 Clear Springs Trace
Louisville Kentucky 40223
Direct: (502) 426.2067
Toll Free: (800) 761.9149
Fax: (502) 515.3710
Email: tomw@bbinabox.comWe explain the method most people use to connect to the Internet.

Nathan Garcia, special to

Dial-up networking: the set of protocols and software used to connect a computer to an Internet service provider, an online service, or a remote computer through an analog modem and POTS (plain old telephone system).

Dial-up networking is the most widely used type of computer connection to the Internet. By the end of 2000, over a quarter of a billion subscribers were dialing in to the Internet--more than four times the number of users of other popular access methods, namely broadband DSL, cable, and ISDN modems. Here are the facts you need to know:

  • Dial-up networking uses a modem as the interface between a single PC and a network such as the Internet; the modems are typically capable of speeds up to 56 kbps.
  • Dialing up with a modem is still the cheapest and most widely available way to connect to the Internet, but because it offers comparatively slow connection speeds, graphics-intensive Web sites can take a long time to load.
  • The maximum speed at which you can download data using dial-up networking is limited by the telephone system's analog bandwidth, the line quality, and the Internet traffic load.
  • Dial-up networking usually communicates with the ISP using the Point to Point Protocol standard.

While broadband services such as DSL, cable modems, and satellite Internet are rapidly becoming available to more areas around the nation, dial-up networking continues to grow. It's estimated that wireless connectivity will pose the biggest challenge to dial-up networking in terms of subscribers sometime in the future. But analysts predict that, as of the end of 2001, more than twice as many people will continue to use dial-up networking than will use broadband services to connect to the Internet. In 2003 the gap will close, but dial-up networking will still be the most popular method by one and one-half times.

What's in a Handshake?

Dial-up networking is the simplest way to connect to the Internet: You just connect over the phone line using your modem, once you've subscribed to an ISP. For the most part, the software tools you need come built into Windows; some ISPs, such as EarthLink, furnish a user interface that makes setup even easier. Whichever method is used, dial-up customers usually only need to enter a user name and password, as well as the ISP's phone number, into a dialog box. The dial-up networking software uses that information to make the connection with the ISP and does all the rest of the work. After the initial setup, all that most customers need to do to make a connection is double-click an icon.

When you initiate the process, dial-up networking first directs your modem to dial the ISP's phone number, which is answered by another modem at the other end. For a few seconds the modems send control signals back and forth to determine how fast each can connect. The familiar screeching you hear when your modem first connects is the sound of your modem and the ISP's modem harmonizing the connection and deciding on a speed to use.

Once the connection is established, your modem silences its internal speaker, and dial-up networking sends your user name and password to the ISP using a process called CHAP--the challenge handshake authentication protocol. At the ISP's end, a computer checks your user name and password against a database of active customers. Once the ISP authenticates your information, the dial-up networking status window disappears, and you are free to surf, check and send e-mail, download files, and so forth. The process can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to complete.

PPP: Slightly Slower, but More Fault-Tolerant

Dial-up networking also breaks down your data into chunks, encoding and packaging the data before it goes on its way.

Dial-up networking uses a method called PPP (Point to Point Protocol) to package data for transmission over phone lines. As with ethernet, the PPP data packet, often called a frame, includes several parts. There are beginning and ending flags (called "wrappers") that bound the packet. Just like ethernet packets, PPP frames contain wrapper upon wrapper. The wrappers help direct the data within the packet to its destination using different protocols, such as TCP/IP, and also determine the type of data compression used on the packet.

One important distinction between PPP frames and ethernet packets is the capacity of damaged PPP packets to be recovered using a process called the frame check sequence. A packet occasionally gets lost or damaged en route; when it arrives at its destination, a damaged ethernet packet gets thrown out and a request goes back to the computer that sent the packet to resend it--a very time-consuming process if you use a dial-up connection, which is much slower than broadband.

In contrast, one part of a PPP wrapper contains a chunk of data called the validation value, which is verified at the destination. In some cases, a damaged PPP frame can be restored through the validation value, so it does not need to be resent.

While this process saves valuable time that would otherwise be used to resend every damaged packet, PPP's error-recovery features tend to make PPP run a bit more slowly than the simpler protocols that lack such error correction. But the Internet is a dangerous place for a data packet; errors or other problems can cause dozens of packets to drop each second. In the long run, PPP is far better suited to use over the Internet than other, less stringent protocols, so it has survived and flourished.



About Me

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I have been involved in satellite communications since 1991. This is my 8th year on this project. I have been marketing, installing and supporting satellite delivered broadband solutions since 1996 and if you can't tell, am pretty passionate about helping folks in last mile America (and beyond) receive broadband @ their homes, businesses and some day, their RV's and mobile sites such as campgrounds and their vacation spots. Please call or write if you have any questions....Thomas 800-761-9149