Keeping up with what's going on with last mile broadband topics, our short history (10 years now) and posting success stories and photos from our partners.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

AT&T: FCC Must Fix Universal Service Fund

Telco Said Commission Needs To Address USF Before Focusing On National Broadband Plan

John Eggerton -- Multichannel News, 6/15/2009 11:29:22 AM MT

AT&T says that the Federal Communications Commission cannot get serious about a national broadband plan until it fixes the Universal Service Fund, which.underwrites telecommunications service in hard-to-reach or uneconomical-to-reach areas..

That came in response to the FCC's announcement Monday of the latest USF contribution percentage, which is now at 12.9%, up from 9.5% at the beginning of the year, says AT&T, a whopping 36% increase.

The fund's base continues to shrink as more people drop landline for wireless and Internet phone service.

"The universal service fund is in a death spiral, driven by growing demands on the fund, the decline of the wireline model and consumer migration to other platforms and services," said AT&T in a statement. "These factors cause the government to ask for more money from a shrinking base of phone customers to support the goals of universal service. This vicious cycle leads to higher and higher USF fees.... In order to begin a discussion on a national broadband plan, the commission must address comprehensive universal service reform."

Most companies and government agencies concede the fund needs fixing. One proposal has been to expand it beyond phone service to include broadband, which would both broaden the base of contributors and start underwriting broadband deployment, which is a national priority of Congress, the administration and the FCC.

Currently, the fund goes to subsidize telephone service, but if the Democrats now in control of Congress have their way, it will be extended to underwriting the broadband build-out as well. That would be in addition to the $7.2 billion in the economic stimulus package going toward that same goal.

House Communication Subcommittee chairman Rick Boucher (D-Va.), who has previously proposed reforming the fund, has said he and his past partner in that effort, Lee Terry (R-Neb.), would be reintroducing a bill to expand the revenue base for the fund.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Telephony Magazine article on our Solution (June 2009)

RE: Telephony Magazine article on our Solution (June 2009)

I am proud to say that we had an article published in this month's Telephony Magazine, (page 20). I have attached a photo I made from a fax a good friend sent to me yesterday.

I believe now is the best time to get involved. We are working with Telco's in 27 states on field tests prior to their signing our agreement. We are available to do the same with your rural customers. One email to your employees and/or rural customers can literally tell if there is demand or not.

Will you have time this week to discuss next steps?If so, call us at 1-800-761-9149

With Telephony Magazine actively watching and reporting on our rural efforts, USDA still considering our solution for RUS loans and our alternative financing almost ready to go, we have the solution which will help maintain and grow your rural exchange high speed Internet business and beyond.

Have a great day.


Thomas William
Vice President of Partner Solutions
Broadband in a Box
1302 Clear Springs Trace
Louisville Kentucky 40223
(800) 761.9149 : office
(502) 426.2067 : local
(502) 263.9879 : my mobile
(502) 515.3710 : fax

:skype::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bbinabox
:icq:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 562727303


About Me

My photo
I have been involved in satellite communications since 1991. This is my 8th year on this project. I have been marketing, installing and supporting satellite delivered broadband solutions since 1996 and if you can't tell, am pretty passionate about helping folks in last mile America (and beyond) receive broadband @ their homes, businesses and some day, their RV's and mobile sites such as campgrounds and their vacation spots. Please call or write if you have any questions....Thomas 800-761-9149