Out of town Friends,
As a former Online ShoutCast Radio provider (500,000 unique sessions from 1999 to 2004) I have had my eyes and ears on the development of IPTV. I've watched how the cost of online digital distribution of multimedia content have progressed over the past 4 years. Now that IPTV has started to rear its wonderful head here in the US (see VIPTV, IP-Prime, Sky Angels, P2P, BT and all of the major Cable/Satellite-delivered networks, etc.) PLUS many of us metropolitans are getting pretty fat pipes to the 'net, we're are still literally 2-3 (or more) years behind you all!
How do your communities overcome the bandwidth bottle-necking due to such large bandwidth consumption by us consumers?
I know that if all my neighbors would watch as much streaming online HiDef programming as my family does each day we'd all be completely unsatisfied! We are just now starting to see/hear reports about ISP's, Telco's, WiFi providers and Cable companies here in the U.S. are beginning to throttle (i.e slow down) their subscriber's broadband access due to high individual consumption, rather large consumption I must say. Satellite broadband providers have been doing this for years, from its inception in fact, seeing satellite bandwidth delivered via the Clarke Belt is 10X more expensive than terrestrial bandwidth.
HDTV downloads and especially streams all take a large pipe, a rather large pipe to feed the 100's or even 1,000's of people at any given moment, on demand like they do. The move here in the U.S. is for Telco's to get into the act. There are dozens of them who have already secured OC192 (or higher) connections just to serve their customers. That's a lot of bandwidth by today's standards BUT it's going to keep getting worse for them (and better for us). Are the costs associated with starting up such a venture realistic for your local bandwidth provider? Will this open up opportunities for new companies who don't have the burden of an established infrastructure to maintain/upgrade?
Can you tell us how things are progressing in your neck of the woods, countries, cities and towns so we can prepare here is the U.S.? How are Internet providers coping? How are they handling things? What are the new developments to overcoming bottle-necking? Are you satisfied? Are there any new trends we need to look out for? Are there some producers/web sites that stand out for you?
Please link to stories, reports and message board posts to help us make sense of all of this, OK?
Thanks in advance.
Thomas William
Vice President of Partner Solutions
Broadband in a Box
1302 Clear Springs Trace
Louisville Kentucky 40223
Direct: (502) 426.2067
Toll Free: (800) 761.9149
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Fax: (502) 515.3710
Email: tomw@bbinabox.com
Download: www.bbinabox.com/docs
Blog: broadbandinabox.blogspot.com
Chat: broadbandinabox@gmail.com
Network: linkedin.com/in/broadbandinabox
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